Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Loveys, there is no better time to curl up with a good book than when it's getting chilly outside.

I read all the time: Books, magazines, internet, cereal boxes, street signs, my sister's diary - you know, just whatever's there.

If you know anything about me at all, it is that I am a full-blooded WordNerd.

Sidebar: If you're on Goodreads, congratulations! That's one of my favorite places to hide, but I'll come out of hiding just for you. You can find me here to see my virtual bookshelves, what I liked and didn't, and what is in my To-Be-Read stash. I'll also peek on your shelves, so make sure you dust, or I'll totally talk crap about you when I leave.

Anyhoo, I have to tell you guys about this book I bought on release day this summer, called "Gone Girl." I rarely buy hardcover, especially not on release day.

*turns pockets out*

Too rich for my blood, loveys. But I remembered seeing a review for this one, and what I loved most was that it was set in small-town Missouri. That never happens! I was intrigued.

So I'm at Target, getting things I need and things I don't, just my typical what-have-you's, along with this book. I tossed it in my car and went on about my summer.

It sat in my car, forgotten, for days...weeks...months, until I cracked it open last Friday and finished it the next day.

Let me tell you, loveys, I'm still trying to catch my breath. That book is timed perfectly, will hook you immediately, and the author's story was simply brilliant. Abso-freakin-lutely brilliant. I'd highly recommend you check it out.

"Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn.

It will simultaneously rock your face off and make you swear off writing, because why bother when rockstar writers like this are out there; then strengthen your resolve to also write kickass stories, because women rule.

Yeah, it'll go down just like that. You're welcome.